Frequently asked questions
Do you offer telehealth or in-person sessions?
All sessions are telehealth via a HIPAA-compliant video platform. If you have questions or concerns about whether telehealth is right for you, please let me know. I am happy to troubleshoot. I have had many skeptical clients tell me they were surprised by how warm and effective video therapy can be.
Does video therapy work?
Multiple research studies have shown teletherapy to be as effective as face-to-face therapy. My clients tend to feel less rushed and more comfortable in their own surroundings, and report feeling a surprising level of connection despite the screens between us. While it’s not for everyone, many clients love having therapy online.
What is therapy like?
Therapy is an ongoing conversation. My job is to be with my clients genuinely and without judgment, and offer perspective and support. The client’s job is to show up ready to work on themselves. I ask that clients come ready to talk, and open to connection. You are the expert on your life - not me.
Sessions are typically weekly, 50 to 55 minutes long, and online through a secure video connection, meaning you can meet with me from home or any other private location. The first session will go something like this: We introduce ourselves and I go through some of the logistics, including informed consent and scheduling. Then I will ask you to tell me about what brings you to therapy. I’ll give my input where appropriate. We’ll make a plan for the next session, or I can offer referrals if appropriate.
Therapy should go at a safe pace, and it can be daunting to fill a new person in. You are not expected to tell all of your “deepest darkest” in the first hour, or maybe ever. It’s a process of building trust and gaining perspective, and it’s ok that it takes time.
Why 50 - 55 minutes?
For many people, it’s most appropriate to have 50 minute sessions, and if that’s what’s best for you, that is what we’ll do. We may decide that therapy is more effective with just a little more time each session. Five minutes may seem like a small difference, but it can have a big clinical impact. If it makes sense for your case, we will discuss and plan for 55 minute sessions so that you can get the care you deserve.
How much does therapy cost? What if I can’t afford the standard fee?
The standard fee for services is $150 per 50-55 minute session. I reserve a number of spots for reduced-fee services. Those who can afford to pay the standard fee make it possible for others to access high-quality therapy services. If these spots are full, clients can join the waitlist, or I am happy to provide referrals for other affordable therapy services.
Do you accept insurance?
I accept insurance through Alma - to find out more about using insurance to pay for therapy, visit or go directly to my profile.
I am credentialed with Aetna, Cigna, and the Optum group which includes United Healthcare, Oscar, and other plans.
If you are not insured under one of those plans I can provide you with a superbill, upon request, to submit to your insurance company. I recommend calling your insurance provider to ask whether they cover out-of-network mental health services. If so, you can easily file a claim for full or partial reimbursement.